Quarterly Akashic Record Reading Bundle- Audio


This is for those looking for guidance throughout the year. 4 questions per quarter. This bundle is a $44 savings.

The Akashic Reading itself is grounded in sacred energy. Many experience a profound sense of transformation, integration, and balance. The success of a reading is related directly to your willingness to be open in spite of any fear or resistance you may feel. A reading is a gentle process aimed at helping you find release, transformation and balance.

Your Akashic Record is the record of your soul's journey through the universe and can only be opened with your permission. When your Akashic Record is opened in a reading, only the information that you are prepared to receive comes forward. This information can be very specific or more general in nature.

 Your Akashic Record Reading is based on the questions you ask. Your questions can be specific or general and on almost any topic including life purpose, career, health, relationships, or finances. The questions can range from the mundane to the spiritual; all are valid and appropriate if they are important to you. The best types of questions to ask in your Akashic Records reading are questions that start with why, how, or what. Or any question that can be expanded on. The reason is that you will get a much richer answer with these types of questions than by asking simple yes or no questions. The only real limit is a topic that would come from someone else's records. For example, you can ask about the purpose of your relationship with a particular friend, but not about that friend's individual life purpose.

Examples of questions can be found in our blog: https://aryretreats.com/blog/akashic-record-readings

 The readings are not meant to predict the future, because of choosing to live in free will and the future is subject to change based on our choices. Do your best NOT to begin questions with Will I or When will I..

Please note there are many different ways to access your records and many practitioners have different methods. This is one of many. This is a voice recorded reading. There will not be any phone calls or zoom. Responses will be sent via email or What’s App. Please indicate which you prefer.

I ask when you send in your questions, to please set some time to be in a quiet space (even better if you can light a white candle) and ask your higher self and guides to help you ask the questions you need answers to help you heal, grow, and/or take action. 

The consultation is not intended to replace medical, psychological, or legal advice. It is intended to help you on your healing journey by helping you discover, understand, clear or learn to work through blockages and issues in your life that are causing you stress and discord, or helping you awaken and learn to live your soul's purpose with an opportunity to receive messages of inspiration.

As a reminder, please allow up to 5 business days after the date you send in your questions (although you may receive sooner or later depending on life) to receive the Akashic Record recorded responses. 

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