Unexplainable Hives, Quitting My Morning Coffee + My Journey to Feeling Better

As a kid, I always considered myself shy and quiet. I was your typical “nerd”.. kinda chubby..awkward..bullied.. but I did know that when I got into something, I REALLY got into something and eventually became quite good at it…from playing the alto saxophone (yes, I was in band) in middle school.. to being obsessed with math.. to becoming a cheerleader in high school.. to now being FASCINATED in alternative healing. 


My journey started in 2008 when I was introduced to yoga, but it REALLY started in 2018 when my husband began to question my beliefs in all aspects of my life (in a good way). This really allowed me to be ok with going against the status quo, what “has always been done”, and to feel safe to live your authentic self. 


I really do credit him to consistently accelerate my expansion in myself and in my spirituality. I am forever grateful for his support in all that I do. 


Fast forward to a few months ago where I started to notice my body was changing. I was feeling SO tired, bloated, low energy and just “off”. I had broken out into hives monthly and had no real reason for these break outs. Every medic I went to see said it “could be” stress, environmental factors or food allergies… BUT because I didn't have consistent enough breakouts these type of allergy testings were ruled out.  What I was offered, however, was steroids (no thank you). How on earth was I about to take something that intense for a diagnosis that was unfounded? 


So instead, I asked for a blood test. Specifically to check my thyroid. I was convinced I had Hashimoto's Disease- an autoimmune disorder disrupting your thyroid function. My mom has hypothyroidism which means there is a chance I too will have it. 


When I received my results back, it turns out the doctor only asked for the basic Thyroid test (TSH), which only sees if your thyroid is “working properly”.  I later found out that to see a full picture of your thyroid 4 exams must be ran: TSH, T3, T4, and a Thyroid antibodies test. These take a deeper dive on what's going on. 


During this time, I decided to share on my insta stories what I was feeling and my quest to find a tasty gluten-free bread. At this point, I had decided to stop eating gluten and dairy to see if this helped with my symptoms. First thing any doctor will say if you suspect an autoimmune disease is to stop eating inflammatory foods (like diary and gluten). After an hour or two of sharing the post, my friend who is highly intuitive, told me I had adrenal fatigue and my liver was being overworked. I was stunned yet grateful. It all made sense! I was a coffee addict and usually drank it first thing in the morning with creamer (dairy and sugar). Even though coffee isn't bad, the WAY I was consuming was hurting me rather than helping me. 


What I realized is that there is a ROOT cause to everything. Can it be emotional? Yes. Can it be past trauma (even generational)? Yes. Can it be what we're eating? HELL YES. Can it even be what we're exposed to (ie toxic people, environments, MOLD)? OH HECK YA!


I had to take a hard look at what I was doing (and not doing) to better my overall health. I didn't want to be anxious anymore. I didn't want to feel tired anymore. It didn't happen overnight, but I slowly started to swap certain foods, add supplements, and try new types of healings to feel better. 


I'm not at my most optimal level of health YET. Will I ever? Who knows, but I am still on that journey trying to figure out what works and doesn't work for me. I am SO THRILLED that the holistic approach to health is being more and more accessible to all of us. There is so much information out there.. some are great and others not so much. My advice is to do your research and try what feels good for YOU. We are all unique in every possible way. What works for me may not for you. What I love, you may not. 


So far, here's what I've done that has helped me feel 100x times better:


*Spinal Energetics- a gentle healing modality that connects with your higher self to release old stories, traumas, and fears. I've done four sessions and feel more connected to myself (and higher self). Tracy Bee (the practitioner) is the sweetest and so great at what she does. 


*Switching my AM Coffee for Cacao and Functional Mushrooms- Since my body was in constant flight or fight, I knew it was time to lay off the caffeine. I tried a few Cacao and Functional Mushroom brands and have my favorites, but my suggestion is to do your research to see what you like. I've now added Teecino to my morning elixir and it tastes exactly like a mocha! If you try it, let me know your thoughts. 


*Went back to yoga- nothing like slowing down, breathing, and holding postures to get you in the right state of mind. 


*Added Liver + Magnesium Supplements: Since my liver was being over worked, I decided to do some research on what exactly our liver does … and well EVERYTHING.. it does EVERYTHING to make sure our bodies receive the correct types nutrients. I take liver supplements to help regulate its function along with Magnesium to help my body relax and sleep better. 


*Stopped using SEED OILS: This one is by far the easiest yet hardest one of all. Easiest because if you make your meals try sticking to olive oil, avocado oil or ghee… and hardest because almost everything sold in our grocery stores have some sort of seed oil in it (Canola, Safflower and/or Sunflower oils). Seed oils cause inflammation which causes all types of health issues. The SIETE brand has GREAT products and don't use seed oils in any of their stuff. Yay! 


All this health stuff is a journey and can definitely be overwhelming. If you feel shitty and want to make a change..  start small. Start with ONE thing. Then see how that makes you feel. If you want to take a deeper dive, perhaps make an appointment with your primary doctor and get a full panel of exams to see if there's anything out of balance. If you prefer the holistic way (like me) to get some answers.. try an akashic record reading to see what your higher self is trying to tell you through your symptoms. I use Jeanette Mendia who I've known for years (and met through my cousin). She is wise, humble, and someone I truly trust. Remember to fully vet and feel out any healer you choose to use. See what they are all about.. what they do.. how they do it. 


I am obviously not a doctor nor a health professional, but I am human and on a journey to make my life as enjoyable as possible. 


With the small changes I've made, I felt a stronger connection to myself, husband, and daughter (the most important people in my life). I've felt more calm and grounded. 


I am forever grateful for this journey as I know it can also help someone else searching for answers. 


Don't forget we have an AMAZING one day retreat coming up on Sunday, May 21st at Camp Discovery.  

 It will be a day filled with thought provoking, soul enhancing, and body loving activities. 

 Book your spot! This is open to ALL (not just women). 


Is Mercury in the Microwave Again? The never-ending pursuit of knowing EVERYTHING about anything. 
