ARY Retreats

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I truly believe that we are all in this life for a specific purpose. We each have a unique mission to accomplish and challenges to overcome. 


Ideally, with each life lesson we grow and continue to evolve into the highest version of ourselves. 

Sometimes we may need more clarity, direction, confirmation or support in certain areas of our lives. There are so many alternative healing modalities that are FASCINATING! Each are unique and powerful in their own right. Some may work for many and some may not. It's all about being willing and ready for change. Applying the knowledge and healing received is totally up to you. Everything and nothing may work. The power is literally in your hands. Pretty cool, right?  

Early June I had the privilege to learn how to open and read Akashic Records by a gifted and ethical practitioner whom I trust and have known for about 10 years. I can proudly call her a friend.

I decided learn this type of modality to assist others in their healing journey. It is a true honor to help our community blossom into their highest version of themselves by providing answers and support. 

What is an Akashic Reading and when should I book a reading?

Please note, these readings are VERY intentional. This is NOT for entertainment nor is it to predict the future. This is used as a HEALING MODALITY. This is NOT to be used as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. 

The Akashic Reading itself is grounded in sacred energy. Many experience a profound sense of transformation, integration, and balance. The success of a reading is related directly to your willingness to be open in spite of any fear or resistance you may feel. A reading is a gentle process aimed at helping you find release, transformation and balance.

Your Akashic Record is the record of your soul's journey through the universe and can only be opened with your permission. When your Akashic Record is opened in a reading, only the information that you are prepared to receive comes forward. This information can be very specific or more general in nature.

 Your Akashic Record Reading is based on the questions you ask. Your questions can be specific or general and on almost any topic including life purpose, career, health, relationships, or finances. The questions can range from the mundane to the spiritual; all are valid and appropriate if they are important to you. The best types of questions to ask in your Akashic Records reading are questions that start with why, how, or what. Or any question that can be expanded on. The reason is that you will get a much richer answer with these types of questions than by asking simple yes or no questions. The only real limit is a topic that would come from someone else's records. For example, you can ask about the purpose of your relationship with a particular friend, but not about that friend's individual life purpose.

 The readings are not meant to predict the future, because of choosing to live in free will and the future is subject to change based on our choices. Do your best NOT to begin questions with Will I or When will I..

 Your reading is based on the questions you ask and the issues you bring up. Find your questions by thinking about what is going on in your life and asking yourself questions like this: What would you like clarified? What would you like to explore? Where do you need closure? Where do you feel fear or pain?

 Questions can be worded very specifically or generally. “I have a problem with xyz and want to know more” is enough of a question. 

Some typical general questions:

Here are some examples of questions people have asked me:

*Why can’t I mend my relationship with my father?

*What should I do about my current financial situation?

*Why do I have fear about my intuitive gifts?

*What can I do to help unlock my creativity?

If you feel that everything is already on its good around you:

*What are my next steps? How do I expand myself?

*How can I improve my sense of connection with myself?

*You are thinking about moving to a place:

*Why do I feel like moving?

*What holds me where I am?

*What do I need to release to move into a new place (literal or metaphorical)?


*What have I released and why could I do this for myself? What possibilities are opening up for me?

*What am I scared of?

What creates fear that I am not aware of?


*What trauma, pain, fear or anger keeps me from awareness of wholeness, balance and clear connection?

*What happened that I don’t remember these parts of my life?

*What will bring back my memory?

*What is holding me back and how can I release?

*Why do I have this fear? What can I do to release? What can I do to release this feeling in my heart? What stands between me and my feelings?

*What can I do to release?


*Why do I not experience joy in my work?

*How do I hold my relationship with my boss?

*What do I expect from my boss?

*How do I compare myself to them?

*What do I need to understand about my relationship with them?

*Why do I need my boss’s approval? Who else do I need approval from? What do I fear about my job?


Please remember these are VOICE RECORDED. There will not be a zoom link emailed or a scheduled call. Please allow 5-7 business to receive your reading in return. Readings are sent via WHAT’S APP or EMAIL (your preference). Let me know if you have any questions!

Much love,
